Wood briquettes

Ecobrick Beech Briquettes are an eco-friendly and efficient solution for heating your home. Made from 100% hardwood beech wood without any chemical additives, they ensure clean and environmentally friendly combustion. Beech briquettes are ideal for nearly all types of wood-burning stoves, fireplaces, and boilers. They offer a practical and convenient heating solution, as they are easy to store and handle.

Beech briquettes are packaged in 10-kilogram bundles wrapped in PE film. A pallet of beech briquettes contains 98 bundles, amounting to 980 kilograms of wood material.

The price of one pallet of wood briquettes is €288 (incl. VAT) / €240 (excl. VAT).

Drevené brikety
Drevené brikety
drevené brikety

Wood briquettes delivery

We can arrange the delivery of ordered wood briquettes from Slovakia to Hungary, Austria, Germany, and Italy.
If you’re interested, feel free to contact us!